Thursday, 27 February 2014

Week Four Writing Task.

This week we had to write three pieces; each on persuasion, observation and a sonnet. The following is what I came up with:

If only a bite
After a heavy night I lay there breathing,
not daring to open my eyes to an oncoming beam
of light, the BOOMING headache.
Is this what death feels like?

I take a deep breath,
'What is that?' my brain questions my smell.

My feet wonder to the kitchen,
frying, crisp. dripping, grease. pink and white strips,
wrapped carefully in a pillow of bread,
a blanket of ketchup tucking it in.

You are not green, mushy or boring?
'I am desire, crunchy and delicious'.
You are not soft and good for me?
'I am the answer to your growling stomach'.

If only a bite?

If only I was not a vegetarian. 

Moving on through
You begin so bare, dark and lonely.
You cover yourself in little protective buds.
You become green, full of light and life.
You fall into the pit of your demise.
And then, again...

Opened wide
You have taken me on through open eyes
my imperfections stood for you to behold,
we said there would be no lies,
and to our lives and beginnings be told.
Dark hair upon ones head,
the eyes that stare into mine to match,
I long to hear your familiar tread,
the click of the bedroom latch.
Arms and heart opened wide to me,
in this moment I truly find glee. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Sami really enjoyed the one with the breathing in/out layout/hangover - going to write notes on yr attachment then come back to this - but this BLOG looks really great a credit to you.
