Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Week Five Writing Task.

For this week we were instructed on looking at a few new different types of poems such as the Villenelle and the Ballard as well as being encouraged on looking into further into the free verse structure with being given a particular subject to embody. This is where my love and protest poems came from.

Everyone now hear me clap,
for the story we about to read,
the child will love this upon my lap.

Have I stumbled across a trap,
perhaps another glass of mead,
everyone now hear me clap.

Upon looking at my map,
a paper cut OH watch me bleed,
the child will love this upon my lap.

The tree oozing sap,
for once it came from seed,
everyone now hear me clap.

The black birds wings begin to flap,
soon they will begin to breed,
the child will love this upon my lap.

And what started with a little tap,
now moves along with such speed,
the child will love this upon my lap.

Under the thump

Lies upon lies keep flowing from the mouth,
stop she said, you're hurting me,
domestic abuse of the heart and mind,
continue on your killing spree. 


Dey said di take di jobs,
Dey said di take di lives,
Dey even said to us 'No probs',
But then we take di wives. 


An English rose with skin as white as snow,
lips so full and bleeding red from his last biting kiss.
She was the opening of my eyes, the breath
I breathed from and given to her.

With time taken from each season,
I looked upon the change of you and the
snow to fall, blooms to flowers and then back to,
brown and white.

Years seemed like only moments,
we enjoyed all of those seasons forever changing.
You changed with them too, love devloping
true love I found with you;
and in those identical eyes it only grew.

Finding love and care; dependency.
Fingertips passing caressing moments for all to see,
one so small, one so tall and one in-between.
I had my English rose picked from the snow,
and now also it's delicate bud to show.

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